once in a while you get that all too familiar feeling of your shapewear slowly
sliding down as you relax. It is something that people cannot escape however
knowing why it occurs can assist you in getting a solution to these nuisances.
Below are some possible causes of your shapewear constantly rolling down and
what you can do about it.
Incorrect Size
is one tendency when lower tummy shapewear begins to roll down, and this is caused by an
improper size. If your shapewear is too large, it does not provide the
tightness required to still on your body. On the other hand if it is small it
can be tight and can easily slide down the body. It is very important that you
are measuring yourself correctly and using the sizing chart that Shapellx
offers. Wearing the right size is important to make sure that your shapewear is
in a position to offer your body the much needed firmness and shape.
Poor Quality
is worth disclosing here that the quality of the shapewear you wear matters a
lot in the outcome that you get. If one were to use inferiority materials,
chances are, it would not have the elasticity and strength to remain erect the
entire day. It is recommended that one invests on quality shapewear and this
can be gotten from the Shapellx product line. Premium fabrics give better
texture and holding power to your shapewear means your garments will remain
where you want them to.

Fashion faux pas for your figure
woman should know that there is no one-size shape wear for every kind of figure
as there are various types of grouses for each body figure. For example, some
styles like high-waisted classy jeans may suit some women perfectly but will be
awful for others especially for the short-statured woman. This way, it is
possible to see the effectiveness of one style or another on the particular
body type. Shapellx has various types of lingerie meant to address your
particular body shape so you do not have the issue of dealing with moving
Lack of Proper Features
are shapewear products whose designs do not incorporate elements that would enable them to
remain secured. The shapewear that has silicone or rubber treatment on the
internal waistband area is the best. These grips afford additional purchase and
help keep the respective objects from rolling. Also, shapewear with straps that
can be tightened helps to make the figure more secure and stable. Furthermore,
Shapellx wants its products to offer you the maximum comfort, and the hips
should not move from their position.
Incorrect Wearing Technique
your shapewear is also a factor that causes the shapewear to roll down – how
you wear it. Ensure you are pulling it up to the right height and ironing out
any creases. An error that people make is not setting it at the right place all
along. Make sure to spend the necessary minutes in pulling and tightening it to
make it fit to your body and conform strictly to your skin.
Moving Too Much
the fact that tummy control shorts is meant to stretch and move with your body when you
do certain movements it may roll down. If you are very active physically, there
are shapewear products that are made for physically active individuals.
Shapellx has various sets that one can choose from depending on the nature of
the activities he or she is going to undertake so that they are well fitted and
very comfortable all through.
knowing why your shapewear rolls down can go a long way in helping you select
the appropriate products as well as enhance your experience on how to wear
them. Proper fit, good quality fabric, procuring the right style for your body
and features goes miles in avoiding this problem.
Shapellx, our focus is on making shapewear that does not slip or fade away
giving you the confidence you need and deserve to feel comfortable. Thus the
above tips will help ensure that you have a comfortable shapewear wearing
experience with little instances of the shapewear rolling down due to the
consideration of the mentioned factors.